Finding out you’re pregnant is one of those amazing joyful moments you can’t wait to share! Which is probably why you’re googling ways to announce pregnancy to family right now.
Talk about seriously LIFE CHANGING news!
Even better, “we’re expecting” is the special kind of announcement that’s almost as much of a big deal for your family as it is to you. Future grandparents LIVE for the moment they’re told a new baby is coming.
Your siblings will also be overjoyed to discover they’re going to be aunties and uncles.
Let’s face it, announcing a pregnancy is exciting news all around. News that’s worthy of celebration!
It’s obvious that you’re going to want to find ways to announce pregnancy to family that are significant and memorable.
There’s a protocol and hierarchy when it comes to announcing pregnancy.
There are the people you tell in person, followed by the people you mail or email an announcement, and then finally the big social media share.
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People in the face-to-face category generally include your husband or partner, your other kids (if you have any), your boss, and close family members and friends.
When considering ways to announce pregnancy to family in person, we looked for touching pregnancy reveal ideas that would allow your loved ones to really share in the tears, hugs, and joy of the moment.
But we know that family doesn’t always live close by. We also include some pregnancy announcement ideas to make any far-off family members you can’t see feel special and included.
Whether you want to create a moment that’s cute, funny, clever, surprising, or touching…we’ve got all the pregnancy announcement inspiration you need.
Ways To Announce Pregnancy To Family
The Grandparents…
First things first, let’s start with your parents. Because when it comes to ways to announce pregnancy to family, no one is going to be more excited than the grandparents-to-be!
“Grandparent Onesies”
One of our favorite fun ways to announce pregnancy to parents is with a cute grandparent onesie like this one that lets mom and dad know they’re being “promoted” to grandparent status.
Wrap it up as a little ‘gift’ and watch their expression as they open it and realize what’s happening.
If your pregnancy news is coming in May or June, you can tie it into Mother’s or Father’s Day, which is super cute.
Thank mom and dad for being great parents and hand them the gift during a mother’s or father’s day luncheon.
Once they open it, you can let them know how this day will be even more special next year since you’ll be a mother and father too. Then hugs all around!
“Grandma/Grandpa Coffee Mugs”
Why not invite your parents over for a lovely brunch and serve them coffee or tea in these special grandparent mugs?
Don’t say anything…just hand them their steaming beverage and wait for their reaction. Priceless!
Of course, mom and pops get to keep the mugs. Every morning they can drink their favorite beverage and dream about the little grandbaby who’s on the way.
For out of state parents, you can ship the mugs and wait for the ecstatic phone call. Trust us, it’s coming.
“You’re Going To Be A Grandpa Mug”
(hidden message)
If you really want to draw out the surprise, try serving up a cuppa joe in one of these grandparent mugs with a hidden message on the inside.
You’ll have to patiently wait for mom and dad to get to the bottom of the cup, but the look on their face when they find the hidden message will be worth it!
RELATED: When And How Should I Tell My Kids I’m Pregnant?
“Grandparent Kit”
Or create your own! We saw this on Pinterest and thought it was such a cute idea! Why not put together a little grandma and grandpa starter kit?

Include a few items that the soon-to-be grandparents can use when watching their new grandbaby; like a bottle, booties, onesie, etc. And watch the delighted expression on their faces when they open their present!
If you’re looking for ways to announce pregnancy to family out of state, you can mail mom and pops the starter kit. Just let them know you want to watch them open it when it arrives.
Then have a Skype call so you can share in the moment together!
You can record your parents’ reactions for your future child to see when they’re older. The Skype video will become a treasured memory.
“Grandparent Photo Surprise”
This one is great if you already have children (or maybe even some really pampered fur babies).
Invite your parents over and tell them you have some new photos of the kids for them.
Hand them a couple of pics of the kids, the two-legged or the four-legged kind, and slip one ‘special’ photo into the back of the pile announcing your pregnancy!
You can have your existing children get in on the fun by posing for a photo wearing a Big Sister shirt like this one.
Or, you can slip in a copy of your latest sonogram photo. Either way, just wait for the happy reactions when mom and dad get to the last photo in the pile!
And the pic becomes a nice memento for your soon-to-be grandparents to keep.
“Grandma/ Grandpa Promotion Keychains”
Here’s a super cute gift idea to let your parents in on the big news… a grandparent promotion keychain!
Attach these little beauties to a cute card or announcement and watch your parents eyes light up with excitement when they figure it out.
The Aunties, Uncles, and Other Family…
Looking for ways to break the news to the entire family clan?
Here’s some inspiration for when you’re ready to let the whole family in on the good news!
“Pregnancy Announcement: Baby Coupons”

Here’s another great idea for ways to announce pregnancy to family that we found on Pinterest…adorable baby coupons!
You can print these up for future grandparents, aunties, uncles, even cousins. Host a family dinner and pass these out to your unsuspecting guests.
It’s a super cute way to handle your baby announcements, and the entire family can ‘redeem’ their coupons when the new baby arrives.
“More Fun Ideas”
Pregnancy Announcement Scratch Off Fake Lottery Tickets
- Pack of 10
- Funny Surprise Pregnancy Reveal
- Looks and feels real!
RELATED: When And How Do You Tell Your Boss I’m Pregnant?
“Announcement Wine Labels”
Wine Bottle Label Stickers Announcement
- Set of 4
- Unique pregnancy announcement
- Makes a great gift idea
Here’s another fun way to surprise your family with your pregnancy news, baby announcement wine labels!
Invite everyone over for a get-together and set out a little vino with these memorable labels promoting parents to grandparents and siblings to aunts/uncles.
Everyone can raise a glass and toast to your awesome baby news!
They can also keep the bottles as a cute keepsake.
“Big Brother or Sister Shirts”
Promoted to Big Sister Colorful Announcement T-Shirt
- High quality and professional print
Expecting your second or third? Get the soon-to-be older siblings in on the act by making them part of the announcement!
Have your kiddos wear one of these big brother or big sister shirts to your next family get-together and see how long it takes everyone else to notice.
This makes sharing the news memorable for your kids and the rest of your family. Maybe give a little ‘prize’ to the first relative that spots the clue.
“First Time Dad Shirt”
If this is your first child and you don’t have kiddos to wear an older sibling shirt, get your partner in on the fun by getting him this first-time dad shirt instead.
Get the family together for a BBQ, have your partner don his special shirt while doing some grilling….no big deal. Then wait and see who catches on first!
Once somebody gets the hint, you can drop the big baby news and then it’s hugs and kisses all around.
Need a little more pregnancy announcement inspiration? Here’s 9 Cool and Creative Ways To Announce Your Pregnancy
Stay tuned for related topics: sneaky ways to announce pregnancy, I’m pregnant announcement, pregnancy reveals to family, big cousin announcement ideas, big cousin pregnancy announcement ideas, early pregnancy announcement, labor day pregnancy announcement.
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