Tell us if this sounds familiar… you want your kids to help out around the house and do some chores, but you’re tired and don’t have the patience to show them the “correct” way to do it, so you just end up doing it yourself.
OR, you do ask them to pitch in, but the constant nagging and reminding it takes to make chores happen wears you down until finally you just give up.
Whatever the reason, parents today are more reluctant than ever to ask their kids to do chores.
25% of of kids aged 5-16 say they don’t do anything to help out around the house…Yikes!
If you’re a parent that isn’t sure about giving your kids chores, or you have trouble summoning the energy to consistently enforce them, read on, we can help.
First, we’ll show you how chores help kids even more than they help you.
Second, we’ll give you some tips for getting kids to do their chores without a big hassle. Because who’s got time for that?
And finally, we have cool age appropriate chore list and card PRINTABLES you can download below to post in your kids room, bathroom, or wherever it will help to remind them.
Why Parents Don’t Assign Chores.
Many modern-day parents are hesitant to push their kids to do chores. Mom guilt tops the list of reasons why.
A lot parents feel guilty about the amount of time they spend at work.
This, in turn, leads them to want to spend the hours they do have with their kids engaging in fun activities. A household chores list generally isn’t considered “fun”.
Parents can also feel guilty about their kids’ overcrowded schedules. Between schoolwork, sports, and other activities…moms are reluctant to cram one more item onto their kids’ busy to-do lists.
“One of the best predictors of young adults’ success in their mid-20’s was that they participated in household chores when young.”
If you’re one of those parents who’s hesitant about assigning chores for kids, we hope to change your mind.
Not getting your your kids involved in housework doesn’t help you, or your kids. The research is clear. Chores benefit children in a multitude of ways now and into adulthood.
The Benefits Of Chores
Research indicates that children who do chores have higher self-esteem, are more responsible, and are better able to deal with frustration and delay gratification, all of which contribute to greater success in school.
Plus, involving kids in household chores has a positive impact later on in life. One of the best predictors of young adults’ success in their mid-20’s was that they participated in household chores when young (at age 3 or 4).
Chores teach kids responsibility.
Kids feel competent when they do chores. They feel like they’re a valuable part of a team.
Chores give your kids an opportunity to give back. They see themselves as important contributors to the family, which increases their feelings of pride and responsibility.
RELATED: Build Character And Teach Responsibility: Chore Chart For Kids
Plus, they learn practical life skills that carry on into adulthood. Chores teach kids how to “do the work” and follow through.
They help kids grow into young adults who are not entitled. Are you convinced yet? You should be!
It’s not just about getting your kids to help out around the house, it’s about helping your kids develop into responsible, happy and independent adults.

Why Start Chores Young
Now that we all agree, chores are beneficial for kids..the question becomes, at what age should you start getting the kids involved?
Lots of parents wait until their kids are a little older, so they can “really pitch in”, but this plan can backfire.
If you wait until your kids are 8, 9, or 10 years old, they’re going to see chores as an inconvenient burden that’s suddenly being thrust upon them.
They’ll likely complain, weasel out at every opportunity, and generally make your life miserable as you struggle to enforce the rules.
RELATED: End The Power Struggle! Top 6 Ways To Get Kids To Cooperate
That’s why we say, get em’ while they’re young! Start assigning basic chores by age when the kids are in preschool.
A study conducted by the University of Minnesota found that having children take an active role in the household, starting at age 3 or 4, directly influenced their ability to become well-adjusted young adults.
Younger kids are actually wired to want to help. They love mimicking grown ups doing things like cooking and cleaning…just look at some of their toys. Put this impulse to good use!
If you get kids started on chores early, while they’re still in the mommy-helper phase, it will become a habit. Then by the time they’re older and can be assigned more complex tasks, they’re already used to it.
There’s less of a chance they’ll dig in their heels and resist. Chores are simply part of their normal routine.

Getting Kids Onboard With Chores
One of the best ways to get kids to pitch in when they don’t feel like doing chores is to remind them, “You’re part of the family. We need your help.”
Frame chores as a family membership requirement.
Always emphasize the “we” in chores over the “me in chores. These tasks aren’t something I HAVE to do, they are something WE NEED to do for the good of the family unit.
It’s also helpful to be clear and consistent about the chores you expect your kids to do.
Chore charts and other tools that allow kids, especially younger kids, to see their responsibilities in a visual format can make this easy and fun.
Pin chore cards to a bulletin board, tape them to the fridge, just place them somewhere in your kids’ line of sight.
A chore chart can be a gentle reminder for your kids so that you don’t have to keep telling them all the time.
RELATED: How To Use A Reward Chart – The Right Way!
Raising Responsible Adults
When we take over our kids chores we send them the message that we don’t think they’re capable of doing things for themselves. Remember that the next time you’re tempted to make your child’s bed or clean their room. Chores help kids!
Kids who pitch in around the house from a young age grow up to be more self-sufficient, and achieve greater professional success.
You don’t want your child to be the kid that arrives at college not knowing how to do their own laundry or cook themselves a meal. No way!
Providing a daily and/or weekly chore list isn’t a punishment, it’s a way to help raise a helpful human being that can take care of themselves.
Trust us, your kids will thank you one day.
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