The story of Peter’s Chair is for any child who’s got a little brother or sister on the way and is nervous about how that might affect their place in the family.

Author:  Ezra Jack Keats

Age: 3 to 7 years old

Category: New Sibling

Peter’s Chair

Why We Like It: This is the story of a young boy (Peter) who is feeling displaced because he has a little sister on the way.  

Peter sees some of his baby items getting painted over in pink.  He starts to feel like everything he has will be given to his new sister.

In a panic, Peter grabs his old toddler chair which isn’t pink yet, and runs away with it. The baby may take everything… but not Peter’s chair! Not if he can help it.

Peter ultimately realizes he’s outgrown his old chair and he’s not a little boy anymore.  

A little bit wiser, he has a change of heart and decides to accept his baby sister.  Peter even offers to share his things with her.  

This book is a very honest story about how it can be hard to move over and share the spotlight with a new sibling.  

It deals with some tricky emotions children may be going through, like jealousy, and can be a wonderful conversation starter with your child if you’ve got a new baby on the way.

The Peter’s Chair book is a great addition to any home library. 



Also In Beenke: Acts Of Kindness Books For Kids


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