Short Answer- Looking forward to your baby’s first year milestones? You should be. In the first twelve months your baby is going to grow and change at an astounding pace. Each month you will experience new and exciting developments!

Parents often wonder if their baby is developing “normally” and reaching milestones as expected. It’s important to keep in mind that all babies develop at their own pace. There’s a pretty wide range for what constitutes normal. Your child may reach one milestone sooner, then take longer to get to another. And that’s okay! You can read this best seller for a general guideline on what to expect the first year.

We’ve gathered together some of your baby’s first year milestones as a general guide. Keeping in mind each child is slightly different, here’s some of what your baby may be doing that magical first year.

One to Three Months

Between birth and three months, your baby may start to:

  • Smile. At first, just to themselves. But then around the 3 month mark they will smile in response to you. You will melt, trust us.
  • Raise their head and chest when on their tummy.
  • Grip objects.
  • Start making oohs and ahhs.
  • Starts to perceive colors and track objects with their eyes.
  • Opens and shuts hands and brings hands to mouth.

Four to Six Months

From 4 to 6 months old, your baby will probably:

  • Roll over from front to back or back to front. Front-to-back usually comes first.
  • Babble, making sounds that can sound like words.
  • Laugh.
  • Reach out for and grab objects (watch out for those glasses!)
  • Respond to changes in their caregiver’s tone of voice (sadness, excitement, anger)
  • Manipulate toys and other objects with their hands.
  • Sit up with support and have head control.

Seven to Nine Months

From 7 to 9 months old, your baby will probably:

  • Sit without any support
  • Start to crawl. This might include “scooting” (pushing around on their little behind) as well as standard crawling. This is a good time to childproof your home if you haven’t already. (Keep in mind, some babies go right from scooting to walking, passing the crawl stage).
  • Respond to common words like his/her name.
  • Start babbling and potentially say “mama” or “dada” or the like.
  • Learn to pull themselves up to a standing position.
  • Play peek-a-boo and pattycake.

Ten to Twelve Months

From 10 to 12 months old, your baby will probably:

  • Stand and move around the room while holding on to pieces of furniture for support. (This is called cruising).
  • Begin feeding themselves. They can hold small things like cheerios in their little hands and get it to their mouths.
  • Point at things when they want your attention.
  • Maybe say one or two words, or be specific about who mama and dada are.
  • Mimic you, for example copy how you hold a phone or keys.
  • Take their first steps (this happens around month 12, but can vary quite a bit).

If My Baby Doesn’t Reach A Milestone Should I Worry?

Like we said, this list of baby’s first year milestones is just a guide. It’s not always when your baby does something that’s important, but that he/she keeps moving forward in their development. Every child is different, it isn’t a race. Trust your instincts! If you feel like your baby isn’t developing as he/she should then go ahead and talk to your doctor. Early intervention can help if there’s an issue.

If, however, you notice that your baby gains a skill and then loses it (known as milestone regression) then you definitely want to speak to your doctor. They will want to see what’s causing the regression.

Most importantly, don’t get so caught up in worrying about all of the milestones that you miss out on enjoying your baby’s first year. Cherish the moment!  You can also save the memories in this special keepsake book

Wondering what products you’ll need for baby’s first year milestones? Check out Beenke’s picks for Baby Must Haves.