Loving acts of kindness are one of the most rewarding activities you can do with your kids. Which is why we wanted to share some of our favorite random acts of kindness ideas to inspire you!
Any act of kindness, no matter how big or small, can make a difference when it’s done from the heart.
Plus it’s a great way to bond as a family, while teaching kids about empathy, compassion and service.
If you ask parents what they want their children to be like when they grow up, the answers are usually things like kind, honest, caring, and considerate. Raising grateful kids is a high priority on most everyone’s list.
If you’re looking for a little inspiration in this area, have your kids try some of these random acts of kindness ideas in your community.
Kindness is contagious! Your children might a chain reaction of kind acts that will only make them want to keep going.

Random Acts Of Kindness Ideas For Kids
- Set the table for dinner, without being asked.
- Talk to someone new at school, or sit with someone new at lunch.
- Make a dessert and bring it to your local fire station to donate.
- Share a toy or game with a friend.
- Gather up your old books you don’t read anymore and donate them to a shelter or charity.
- Write a thank you note to your teacher. Let him/her know how they help you.
- Take back someone’s cart at the grocery store for them.
- Gather up clothes that you don’t wear or that don’t fit you anymore and donate them to an orphanage or shelter.
- Separate your trash and recycle all your bottles, cans, paper, etc.
- Make your bed. For bonus points, make someone else’s bed too.
- Donate a gift to a local charity. You can even make something yourself.
- Call your grandparents or other elderly relative and ask them about their day.
- Play with your younger siblings or a new student or neighbor.
- Tell someone you love them.
- Set up a lemonade stand, or do a mini bake-sale. Donate your earnings to charity.
- Get a small gift for a friend and hide it in their backpack or locker at school.
- Visit and/or walk the dogs at a local animal shelter.
- Leave kindness notes for a strangers, like in a restaurant or library book. Write something positive like “You’re amazing!” or “Have a great day!”.
- Pick up litter at your school, or a park or beach.
- Pick out the toys you don’t play with anymore and donate them to charity.
- Make a thank you card and/or a care package for a servicemember overseas and send it to them. You can connect with charitable organizations that do this such as Operation Gratitude or Support Our Troops.
- Send a thoughtful postcard to someone you love.
- Make dinner for a friend or neighbor. If you need a little mini-chef inspiration, grab a kids’ cookbook to get some ideas.
- Deliver flowers to someone special that helps you, like a teacher, coach, babysitter, etc.
- Volunteer at a local charity such as a soup kitchen, food bank, church pantry, etc.
- Smile at 5 people.
- Empty the dishwasher, without being told.
- Give someone a sincere compliment.
- Write happy messages in chalk on public sidewalks like “you are loved”.
- Collect canned goods and deliver them to a local food bank or shelter.
Start A Kindness Practice
Kids are naturally compassionate, so why not take a little time each day to foster that inherent kindness?
From simple gestures to big volunteer events, it all adds up to build a compassionate heart.
Reading children’s books about kindness to your kids is another great way to reinforce the habit.
You can even try instituting a month-long kindness challenge in your family. Another great way to build positive habits that stick.
Kindness is a superpower kids can choose every day to make themselves and others feel good. Let’s encourage that power so that our children embrace the concept of being kind to themselves, others, and our planet.
That’s how you raise compassionate, caring adults who strive to make the world a better place.
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