All new parents, even the ones who look like they have it all together, are going to wonder at some point, “am I doing this right?”
And why wouldn’t they…raising a kid isn’t an exact science. Common parenting mistakes come with the territory.
However, if you’re a first time parent fumbling through sleepless nights or a new development stage, there are a couple of mistakes you definitely want to avoid.
These are the kind of common parenting mistakes that can have serious longterm consequences for you or your child.
“Parenting was much easier when I was raising my non-existent children hypothetically.”
We know that sounds ominous, but don’t panic! Knowing that mistakes are bound to happen, we asked the experts what common parenting mistakes they warn new parents about, so you can avoid them in the first place.
Parents don’t start out wanting to make mistakes. But even with the best of intentions, many of us try to rely on our ‘parenting instincts’ instead of getting help with common parenting issues.
So read on, and breathe a little easier knowing you’ve got it covered.
Common Parenting Mistakes
Mistake #1 – Not Installing Your Baby’s Car Seat Properly
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, auto accidents are the number one cause of death among children. In some cases, this is the result of parents either not installing or not properly installing a car seat.
We know that getting the correct fit and placement of a car seat isn’t always easy, particularly if you’re a new parent that has never done it before.
Avoid this common parenting mistake. Many states offer programs that help parents find the right car seat and will teach them how to install it safely.
These programs also provide information about how long your child should remain in a rear-facing seat before facing front and eventually switching to a booster seat.
Your baby will be in a car seat from the moment they leave the hospital, so it’s important to get this handled before they’re born.
Even if you think you know how to install a car seat and it looks right, you still want to have a safety expert take a look to confirm it was done properly.
Check out Safe Kids Worldwide to find a car seat check up event near you and get it done! Your baby’s life may depend on it.
Mistake #2 – Forgetting About Oral Care
One of the most common parenting mistakes is forgetting to take care of your baby’s developing teeth and gums.
Lack of oral care in the early stages of life can lead to cavities or other issues before your child even reaches preschool age.
Tooth decay is the most common chronic infectious disease of childhood.
It can lead to a condition called early childhood caries, also known as baby bottle tooth decay or bottle rot. Trust us, you don’t want this to happen to your little one!
Plus, it will be harder to teach a child oral hygiene if they haven’t become accustomed to it early on.
Start taking care of your baby’s teeth and gums from the get-go, so you can avoid future problems.
Check out the American Dental Association’s guidelines for preventing infant tooth decay.

Mistake #3 – Not Knowing What’s An Emergency
Another common parenting mistake is not knowing what is, and what isn’t, a real emergency. You want to be aware of what signs and symptoms indicate the need for medical care.
For example, if your baby 3 months or younger has a fever higher than 100.4 degrees, you should seek medical attention.
Other warning signs worthy of a trip to the doc include; difficulty breathing, lips that look blue or purple, unresponsiveness, severe or persistent vomiting or diarrhea (just to name a few).
Related: 9 Parenting Mistakes To Avoid
Before you bring baby home, familiarize yourself with the warning signs of childhood emergencies so that you’re prepared.
Not going to the emergency room or urgent care when your child needs medical attention could result in a more serious illness, some of which may lead to developmental delays or even death.
For a quick guide with clear answers and smart emergency advice, we like the book Baby 411.
Mistake #4 – Not Making A Schedule
For the first few months of your baby’s life, they create their own schedule that revolves around the big three; sleeping, feeding, and pooping. And this is totally normal.
But as your baby gets older and is alert more often, getting them into a regular routine makes life easier.
You’ll have a more predictable pattern for your days, and your baby will know what to expect. Pediatricians tell us that babies like consistency.
Related: How To Get Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night
Plus, once you’re ready to leave your baby with a sitter or caregiver, having a schedule will make the transition easier.
Your baby can be comforted by the fact that things still happen when they expect them to. Also, your caregiver will be able to anticipate your baby’s needs more effectively.

Mistake #5 – Overindulging
Another one of the more common parenting mistakes we see is parents who spoil their kids and give in to their demands. These parents end up raising children who believe acquisitions lead to happiness.
This can set up a pattern of chasing never-satisfying carrots, and can result in addictions and compulsions in adulthood.
Related: How To Raise Grateful Children In An Entitled World
Limits and boundaries are healthy for kids. They help them learn important lessons like self esteem and impulse control.
Mistake #6 – Protecting Kids From Consequences
There are parents who, with good intentions, try to protect their kids from everything; be it bad grades, not making a team, or even legal trouble. Then these same parents are surprised when their child respects nothing.
All of us, kids especially, need to learn that losing is just another way to gain wisdom and experience about what not to do.
Protecting kids from harm protects them from life lessons they need to succeed.
Mistake #7 – Not Taking Time For Your Relationship
Another common parenting mistake new parents make is forgetting to plan time for their partner.
Having a child puts a huge strain on a relationship. You are sleep-deprived, hormonal, emotional, and any little thing can annoy or frustrate you.
Some couples that don’t make time for each other end up with hurts that fester. This can form a disconnect so large that when baby is older, the relationship can’t recover.
“67% of couples see their marital satisfaction plummet within one-year post-baby” – Journal of Family Psychology.
It’s important to think about how you will keep the romantic spark alive after the baby is born.
Think about ways to divide up or outsource household chores. Go out of your way to express appreciation and admiration for your partner.
Even better, enlist friends or family members to babysit so you can plan the occasional date night, and commit to actually doing it!
Related: Why You Need A Parents Date Night NOW!
Most importantly, keep those lines of communication open and talk about your relationship and the transition to becoming parents.
Be open to discussing how you can slowly regain intimacy with each other.
Many couples, mothers in particular, feel uncomfortable having sex after the baby is born. This can be for physical or emotional reasons.
Related: Sex After Childbirth: How To Get Back To Getting It On
It’s important to talk about what’s going on so that both sides understand and no one feels rejected.
Good communication is the bridge that leads back to intimacy after a baby comes into your life.
Some family psychologists go so far as to suggest pre-baby counseling, so couples can hash out marital issues before they add a baby into the mix.
Now that you’re aware of these 7 common parenting mistakes you can take the necessary steps to avoid them. Knowledge is power! We know you’re going to do great.
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