Age: 2-5 years old

Skills: Letter names and sounds, a first step towards reading.

Why We Like It: The LeapFrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Letter Set is a great way to help teach your little one letters, sounds, and words. It is fun to activate, colorful and visually appealing. The singing voice helps reinforce the letter’s sound, and the compact bus does not dominate your refrigerator display space.

Each letter of the alphabet sings, talks and teaches, helping children make key connections between the letter’s shape, name and sound.

Kids can place each letter into the school bus and press it to hear Tad pronounce the letter’s name and sound correctly, including short and long sounds for every vowel.

Press it again and Tad will say a word that begins with the letter and then use the word in a sentence, reinforcing phonics and early vocabulary.

In addition to reinforcing alphabet knowledge, an important first step in learning to read, playing with the letter tiles helps strengthen fine motor and coordination skills, which are important for future writing.

What You Should Know: This toy requires 3 AAA batteries (included). A volume switch offers a choice of two sound levels. The letters are large enough that little fingers can manipulate each one without the child becoming frustrated, and the bus and letters are sturdy enough to survive accidental dropping multiple times.

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